================================== Ultim@te Race Pro Developed by Kalisto Entertainment Published by MicroProse ================================== Installing/Launching the Demo ============================= After double-clicking on DEMOUR.EXE (which is the Ultim@te Race Pro self-extracting Zip file), the game will be automatically copied to c:\program files\Ultim@te Race Pro\. To launch the demo, select this directory and double-click on "Ultim@teRacePro.exe." Please note you can move the demo to any other directory. Demo Requirements ================= Please note that DirectX 5.0 is a requirement to play the game. You can download DirectX 5.0 from the following Web site: http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/directx5/directx5.htm. Minimum configuration --------------------- IBM PC 133MHz Pentium compatible or faster 16MB RAM Windows 95 DirectX 5.0 High Color graphics (must have 1MB video RAM) Hard drive (50MB free) Recommended Configuration ------------------------- IBM PC 166MHz Pentium compatible or faster 32MB RAM Windows 95 DirectX 5.0 Hard drive (50MB free) 3-D accelerator board (PowerVR, 3Dfx and Direct3D support) Using the Demo ============== To race against the computer, do the following: 1) Select your car model by clicking on "Car Choice" and choosing one of two car models 2) Select "Play vs. CPU" from the Main Menu 3) Click on the black-and-white checkered flag 4) Choose your transmission type (manual or automatic) 5) Begin your race! To race against human opponents, do the following: 1) Select your car model by clicking on "Car Choice" and choosing one of two car models 2) Select "Multiplayer Game" from the Main Menu 3) Enter your player name 4) Click on "OK" 5) Click on "New" 6) Enter the name of your game 7) Click on "OK" 8) Wait for opponents to join the game (their names will appear in the player list in the upper left corner) 9) Click on the black-and-white checkered flag 10) Choose your transmission type (manual or automatic) 11) Begin your race! The game interface has been designed with help pop-up windows to guide you. Just leave your mouse on a button for a second and a pop-up window will appear. Demo Specifications =================== 1 training track vs. 18 in the full game 2 car models vs. 16 car models in the full game Up to 4 network players vs. up to 16 in the full game 4 laps vs. up to 99 in the full game Checkpoints are predetermined Up to 7 computer opponents Force feedback joystick support Available in Full Version ========================= Solo race (beat the lap record!) Ghost mode (beat your best lap record!) Checkpoints are optional Multiplayer ultimate arena (3 modes) Numerous visual effects including weather and time of day changes Internet Access =============== www.ultimaterace.com www.kalisto.com www.microprose.com The final game will be released in February 1998! Enjoy the Race, The Kalisto Team Ultim@te Race Pro copyright 1997-1998 Kalisto Technologies. Ultim@te Race Pro is a registered trademark of Kalisto Technologies and Kalisto Entertainement is a registered trademark of Kalisto Technologies.